Dear New ESA Colleagues and Friends: I am pleased to be joining your ranks as your new Assistant Secretary and want to take a moment to say hello and introduce myself to all of you. I’ve been involved in strategic executive leadership throughout DSHS in several roles and have always wanted to work in ESA. I know that poverty is the root cause of so many issues our families and communities face, and I’ve been keeping track of the incredible work you all have been doing to make a difference for your neighbors; your accomplishments have not gone unnoticed. The opportunity to build off the great efforts of your outgoing Assistant Secretary Tony Bowie and the ESA team, and to steward this work, are great honors. I will fully transition to this role on July 16. I have been working closely with Tony and ESA leadership to ensure a smooth handoff. Soon after the transition, I will begin visiting as many of you as I can in our field offices, which I am very much looking forward to. In the near future, my goal is to get to know you and learn and grow with you as much as possible. Be on the lookout for more from me soon. Sincerely, Terry Redmon Uplifting Marginalized VoicesWith over 20 years of experience in vocational coaching, mentoring, and leadership, he exemplifies dedication and resilience. Growing up during extreme segregation, his journey is one of perseverance and purpose. Born to incredible parents who were also sharecroppers in the South, Terry and his family traveled to WA., where he was determined to transform the world with his labor of love. He has never stopped moving- working tirelessly to impact the lives of those he serves positively. Terry is not as well known as MLK, but he makes just as powerful an impact by serving and uplifting marginalized voices.
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