Virtual Blacktober Fest Celebration (Zoom Business) Thursday, October 15, 2020, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. "Vision, Valor, and Victory in a Time of Uncertainty" Watch video of the event. Zoom Business link address Meeting ID: 969 768 274 Password: 146309 OR call in to 253-215-8782 When you call in, you will only be able to hear the meeting, not interact with us – we highly recommend using Zoom if possible. We will continue to meet virtually until we are able to come together again. Ask your supervisor and/or IT Helpdesk about making sure you’re able to access Zoom. You are also free to download Zoom on your personal device. Please share this information and encourage your colleagues and state-employed family and friends to attend and get involved! We are a formal, enterprise-wide resource group conducting official state business. Participants are not required to take leave to participate. If you experience any challenges to participating, please let us know. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, or if you need an accommodation to fully participate in our meetings or events, email us at [email protected]. AGENDA 9:00 – 9:05 Welcome, Hospitality: Marvin Williams (DFW) 9:05 – 9:15 Land Recognition and Tribal Blessing (Intro by Kathryn McPherson): George Montero 9:15 – 9:20 Black National Anthem: Sharon Armstrong (OSPI) 9:15 – 9:30 Opening Remarks, (Our collective purpose and cause/Annual Report): Megan Matthews, BUILD Chair 9:30 – 9:40 Executive Sponsor Remarks and Acknowledgements: Marcus Glasper (LOT), Director 9:40– 10:00 Keynote Speaker: Archbishop Lorenzo Peterson (NLBC) 10:00- 10:10 BUILD PowerPoint Presentation: History and Activities Subcommittee 10:10- 10:15 Testimonials/Alliance Tributes: Business Resource Groups 10:15– 10:20 Spoken Word Performance: Micah Bournes 10:20- 10:35 Guest Speaker (Intro by Connie Singleton): Dr. Adrian Thompson (DOC) 10:35 –10:45 Final Thoughts / Call to Action (Acknowledgement, Recognitions, Vote): Megan Matthews, BUILD Chair Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing James Weldon Johnson, J. Rosamond Johnson Lift ev’ry voice and sing ‘Til earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of Liberty; Let our rejoicing rise High as the list'ning skies, let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on ‘til victory is won. Stony the road we trod, Bitter the chast'ning rod Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, Have not our weary feet Come to the place for which our fathers sighed We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered, Out from the gloomy past, ‘til now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast God of our weary years God of our silent tears, Thou who has brought us thus far on the way; Thou who has by Thy might Led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee, Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand, True to our God, True to our native land. George Montero, Native American / Tribal Blessing Tlingit tribal member, Shangukeidí clan ![]() Tlingit tribal member George Montero, of the Shangukeidí clan in Klukwan, is a flautist and maker of Native American flutes. Montero has performed in many venues across the country, including the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C., events for the National Congress of American Indians, the Juneau Symphony, and the Seattle Public Library Living Culture Exhibit. He grew up in Juneau, Alaska, and now lives in Lynnwood, Washington. Keynote Speaker, Archbishop Lorenzo Peterson (NLBC) Senior Pastor, New Life Baptist Church ![]() Archbishop Lorenzo N. Peterson is the senior pastor of New Life Baptist Church in Lacey, Washington. He is the founder and Emeritus of the New Hope Freedom and Deliverance Cathedral in Louisburg, North Carolina. Archbishop Peterson is a husband and father, married to the beautiful Starlett Watson-Peterson of Tacoma, Washington. His educational studies include: The Community College of the Air Force, Chapman College, Shaw University School of Divinity, and Freedom Life Bible College. Archbishop Peterson received his Master’s in Theological Studies in 2008 and his Doctorate in Theological Studies in 2013 from the Regency Christian College of Jacksonville, Florida while serving in the Air Force. He is a recording artist and author of the book “Pathways to Perfection” and a workbook entitled “Chosen” designed specifically for clergy, ministers, and church leaders. Archbishop Peterson originated the Freedom Life Bible College Incorporated because of his strong desire to equip and teach God’s people. He also established the International Ministers Covenant Fellowship, Incorporated (IMCF), an organization that equips men and women to fulfill their call in ministry, and the International Apostolic Communion (IAC), an organization that provides support and training to various organizations to provide church consultation, pastoral training and mentorship as well as Theological training to all Prelates, Apostles, Overseers, Moderators and Pastors, and Episcopal training. Guest Speaker, Dr. Adrian Thompson (DOC) Washington State Department of Corrections ![]() Dr. Adrian Thompson is a Staff Psychologist at the Department of Corrections. In this role, he consults and helps intervene with staff who are in crisis as well as manage the Central Region’s (King, Peirce, and Kitsap Counties) Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team. Dr. Thompson also oversees the Staff Psychologist research program that examines the effect of stress and other personal issues on job function, retention, and well-being. Dr. Thompson has extensive experience in educational settings, corrections, as well as community mental health. Dr. Thompson is also the co-founder and Chief Mentor of Young Doctors DC, a multigenerational pipeline designed to get underrepresented African American males into the medical field. This program is a high school medical mentorship program that is designed to combat the social, academic, and economic challenges that these minority males face in completing high school and matriculating into college. Dr. Thompson has experience with teams and helping leaders to improve training curriculum, measure teacher and student evaluations, and utilize innovative methodology to increase engagement and learning outcomes. Dr. Thompson also has a background in empirically based treatments and has been trained extensively in methodological theory and statistical practice. Micah Bournes, Spoken Word Artist ![]() Micah Bournes is a poet and musician from Long Beach, California. He is most known for his dynamic performance of spoken word poetry. He is passionate about helping others nurture their creativity. Micah travels worldwide performing, speaking, and teaching creative writing workshops. He has released four studio albums, is the co-editor of "Fight Evil with Poetry: Anthology Volume One", and the author of “Here Comes This Dreamer". His work often touches on themes of culture, justice and faith. Micah believes art is an inextricable part of the struggle for justice, freedom and equality. Marcus Glasper, Director Washington State Lottery, Executive Sponsor, Blacks United in Leadership and Diversity (BUILD) ![]() Governor Jay Inslee appointed Marcus Glasper as director of the Washington State Lottery in March 2018. He served as acting director from November 2017 until his permanent appointment. Prior to joining the Washington State Lottery, Glasper was the deputy director at the Washington State Department of Revenue where he was responsible for management of day-to-day operations. Glasper also served as senior assistant director for administrative services at DOR. Glasper has also served as assistant deputy secretary at the Department of Corrections and as an engineer and field manager with the U.S. Department of Energy. He currently serves on the board of directors for the Washington State Employees Credit Union, is a senior mediator with the Thurston County Dispute Resolution Center, and served as a commissioner on the Tumwater Planning Commission. Glasper received the Governor’s Award for Leadership in Management in 2010. He received a BS in mechanical engineering from Southern University and A&M College and a master’s in engineering management from Washington State University. He has completed numerous executive programs including the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and the Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington. Megan Matthews Chair, Blacks United in Leadership and Diversity (BUILD) ![]() Megan Matthews began her career with the State of Washington as a Support Enforcement Officer with the Division of Child Support in 2008. Currently, she works as the Engagement Manager supporting the Governor’s Poverty Reduction Workgroup to significantly reduce poverty in Washington State in a way that eliminated disparities. Megan works for the Department of Social and Health Services in the Economic Services Administration. She is committed to pursuing and living the principles and values of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Megan earned her Master's Degree in Public Administration from The Evergreen State College in 2019. She received her certification as a Prosci® Change Management Practitioner in 2020. She obtained certification as a Diversity Professional (CDP) in 2019 and as a Diversity Executive (CDE) in 2020. Megan is the inaugural chair for BUILD, Washington State's first Black Community Business Resource Group. She is passionate about social justice and ensuring fairness for everyone, especially the next generation that includes her two-year old daughter and nieces and nephews. Edwina Martin-Arnold Co-Chair, Blacks United in Leadership and Diversity (BUILD) ![]() Edwina Martin-Arnold: A Passion for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Edwina is a BUILD’s co-chair and DSHS’ new Chief of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). Her name suits her to a T. One of the meanings of the name Edwina, is ‘zest for life.’ In Edwina Martin-Arnold’s case, it is not only a zest, it is a dynamic force. After growing up in Spanaway, she graduated from the University of Washington, went to law school and became a prosecutor in both Seattle and King County. She left the legal profession to spend more time with her three children. Nevertheless, she was far from a stay-at-home mom. All the while, Edwina Martin-Arnold was writing novels. Romance novels. “My sister and I used to read them, so I figured I could write them.” Indeed she has; nine of them, in bookstores and online. She is also a business owner and Head Women’s Basketball Coach for Rainier Beach high school. In 2012, Edwina Martin-Arnold re-entered the traditional workforce. She was the Assistant Director of Legal and Policy at the Office Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (OMWBE). She worked in Sound Transit’s Diversity Division and was the Diversity Manager for Washington and Oregon the construction firm, SKANSKA. Edwina returned from the public sector to be the Assistant Title VI Coordinator for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Because of her varied professional and personal experiences, Edwina has a deep understanding of EDI principles. “I am very excited to bring my knowledge to BUILD and I am looking forward to the opportunity of learning more.” Beth Winstead Administrative Liaison, Blacks United in Leadership and Diversity (BUILD) ![]() Beth Winstead has worked for the State of Washington for more than 20 years as a Human Resource professional. She has worked for several agencies including Revenue, Transportation, and currently the Department of Licensing. She has her Professional Human Resource certification from the national Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and has worked in a variety of roles in the HR field. She is an Olympia native who returned to her hometown in 2015 after spending 15 years in Vancouver, WA. Beth is the inaugural executive assistant for BUILD, and has been fundamental to establishing and building a successful and sustainable program for the here and now, and for the future generations, which includes her two multi-racial teenage children. She has been with BUILD from inception and works behind the scenes to organize, coordinate, and communicate our mission, vision, and values. She is passionate about racial and social justice issues and is committed to listening, supporting, and advocating for the Black community and all marginalized groups. BUILD Subcommittees History & Activities affirms an inspirational narrative of historical Black excellence by uncovering, sharing and celebrating the stories, achievements, valor, strength and genius of the African diaspora. Communications manages our digital presence including our website, communications, social media, and surveys, promoting support for and empowerment of the Black Community. Membership Engagement & Support greets and welcomes members, connects members with resources and information, and creates space to build relationships. Policy, Legislation & Data addresses disparities by making policy recommendations to the Governor and state agencies regarding desirable changes to programs and law. Professional Development & Leadership Support promotes equity and excellence through processes, networking, career planning and practice, mentorship, and leadership development. State-Sponsored Business Resource Groups Blacks United in Leadership and Diversity (BUILD) Disability Inclusion Network (DIN) Latino Leadership Network (LLN) Rainbow Alliance and Inclusion Network (RAIN) - LGBTQ+ Veteran’s Employee Resource Group (VERG) Washington Immigrant Network (WIN) The Interagency Committee of State Employed Women (ICSEW) Special thanks and acknowledgement to the History and Activities Subcommittee members! Comments are closed.
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