The following is reprinted with permission from the author, John Vassall, MD.
Black Americans are reluctant to take the coronavirus vaccine. When the Pfizer vaccine became available at Howard University Hospital on December 14, only 600 of approximately 1,900 employees had signed up for the 725 doses received. Howard University is one of the oldest and finest historically Black colleges, reverently referred to as “The Mecca” by Te-Nehisi Coates. Anita Jenkins, CEO had her shot administered publicly in an effort to change the minds of the 70% of workers in a November hospital survey who either did not want to take the vaccine or did not want it immediately. If you find yourself hesitating to take the vaccine, you are not alone. I offer information to help you make your decision. For immediate release: December 9, 2020 (20-239)
Media contact: Public Information Desk Public inquiries: State COVID-19 Assistance Hotline, 1-800-525-0127 OLYMPIA – Today the Washington State Department of Health is announcing a new service to help people who have to isolate or quarantine at home after testing positive for COVID-19 or being exposed. Care Connect Washington, working with local health jurisdictions and their partners, will provide critical resources to people who need support when they’re staying home. Care coordinators will connect people to community-based services such as medication delivery, health care, help applying for unemployment, local housing agencies, food banks, childcare providers and more. By Cheri Willoughby and Rhetta Barker. Kwanzaa is celebrated by millions around the world, representing opportunity for celebration of family, community, and culture.
Dr. Maulana Karenga started the celebration of Kwanzaa in 1966. Feeling African Americans were detached from the values and culture of the continent of Africa, he created the celebration to give them something they could connect to and make their lives better. |
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