"Each one teach one!" Although the author is unknown, the message resonates as loud today as it did the first time those words were spoken. As a Black American proverb originating during slavery and founded on the transfer of knowledge between black individuals who were denied formal learning opportunities, these four words' power is magnificent! Its message is clear. As black people, we are teachers, passionate learners, and leaders.
The Washington State Blacks United in Leadership and Diversity business resource group exists to improve the experiences of current and future Black state employees, increase the representation of Black people in leadership positions, give voice to the Black perspective in policy discussions about Washington communities, and build each other up as we move forward. BUILD is firmly committed to diversity and inclusion and was formed with these values. Working together among us and with our allies is pivotal in accomplishing more than we can do individually. This spirit is at the core of what we stand for and one that needs to continue if we are to be successful. Our current leadership: WHAT WE DO
Our General Membership meetings are held monthly, January through October, on the third Thursday from 9am to 12pm. We plan to host several special events annually, such as Black History Month and Juneteenth. We have five subcommittees that are focused on different goals of BUILD:
Joining a subcommittee is the best way for you to get engaged with us in this important and meaningful work! Our subcommittees meet monthly. Whether it’s your time, talent, connections, or resources - whatever you can contribute will make a difference. The Professional Development and Leadership Support Subcommittee is holding regular meetings. Check out their latest flyer.
AuthorSOur blog includes but is not limited to events, insights, and highlights to augment basic education. Archives
July 2024